It’s the Sinus Season – What are you going to do about it?

Teleseminar with Dr. Rob Ivker
Author, Sinus Survival
When: Thursday. Nov.6th, 2014, Time: 8 p.m. ET
Join us to discover the latest developments in natural health.
I’ve already seen patients with sinus infections and upper respiratory conditions this month. Fall is turning to the Sinus and Cold Season… It’s time to go on the offensive.
Join me for a Teleseminar, Register Here >>

If you learn some new habits, take a few precautions and take the right herbs and nutritional ingredients, you could go without getting a cold, a sinus infection, having respiratory issues, coming down with the flu, sinus infections and other viruses.
What followers of my programs find is that they go with fewer colds, stop the cold to sinus infection cycle and when they do come down with a cold or virus it is less severe and the duration is much shorter.
Here’s why:
– They’ve strengthened their immunity
– They understand their body signals and what to do about them
– They’re prepared to take immediate action when they have a symptom
It’s like anything in life, when you’re equipped with knowledge, prepared for events and take action, you will usually have successful outcomes.
I look forward to discussing these solutions on the upcoming Sinus Seasos Teleseminar which you’re already registered.
Dr. Rob Ivker
Author, Sinus Survival
Founder, Fully Alive Medicine

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