Chronic Sinusitis

What 7 Sinus Symptoms are All Linked to this Common Bacteria?


Are You Fatigued and Tired of Your Sinus Symptoms? See If You Have This Common Bacteria. (It just might be the link to set your sinuses and other symptoms free!)      These Top Sinus Issues are all Linked to this Culprit: 1). Fatigue 2). Sinus Pressure and Sinus Pain 3). Sinus Congestion 4). Post Nasal Drainage 5). Dry Cough 6). Discolored Mucous 7). Headaches Do

Sinus Nirvana – Find a CURE for Chronic Sinusitis

Want to learn the key to finding sinus nirvana? Not Nirvana the rock band, but true freedom for your sinuses? Just take our hand and we’ll help you scale the Sinus Survival Pyramid to Success. Nirvana is a fitting name. In many religions the term is used to describe a profound peace of mind. In Shramana, the term was used to describe the state of

How Do You Get a Sinus Infection? The Top 7 Underlying Causes of Sinusitis.


by Dan Gay, CMO Sinus Survival You may be surprised to learn what’s causing your sinus headaches, sinus pressure, sinus congestion and post-nasal drip. If you learn what leads to a sinus infection, you can usually manage to never get one if you take the right preventions steps. The bones that make up the sinus cavities around the eyes, cheeks and nose are lined with

Stop Sinusitis With 5 Natural Remedies & Treatments for Sinus Infection

Allicin, Proven Natural Infection Fighting Herb

If you’ve had a sinus infection you know that you don’t ever want another one. It is a miserable experience. You wish you could just turn a valve to relieve the pressure behind your eyes, cheek bones and face. So why does this happen in the first place? This is the key to the Sinus Survival Solution: to understand the causative factors to stop them