Allergy-Free Zone: Treating Allergies

Allergies play a significant role in contributing to the chronic sinusitis of at least half of the 40 million sinus sufferers. A genetic predisposition, a dysfunctional or hyperreactive immune system, airborne allergens (pollen, mold, animal dander, dust mites, chemical exposures, etc.) and emotional factors are the primary triggers for precipitating allergy symptoms.

Along with the above factors, polluted, dry, and cold air can act as an irritant that over the years can cause the nasal mucous membrane to become extremely sensitive and hyperreactive to pollen, mold, dander, dust, and smoke. Over the years we developed a comprehensive approach to address THE MAJORITY of allergies to eliminate them before you feel a symptom. Many who used to be miserable with allergies go without feeling the symptoms they used to have.

The top related causes of allergies include:

1). Food allergy ranks as one of the most common conditions in the United States, with as many as 12 million sufferers.

Milk is also a common food allergen contributing to hay fever. It is the protein in milk (casein), not the fat, that is the offending allergen. In most cases it is the cumulative effect of the milk, pollen, mold, and pollution that causes the severe allergic reaction. I’ve found that people suffering with fungal sinusitis are highly prone to food allergies and sensitivities.

2). Fungal Sinusitis can heighten the allergy response as well as limit nutrient absorption. If you’re a chronic sinus sufferer, I would also take the Candida Questionnaire in the Silver or Gold Membership.

3). Airborne Allergies: Why wait to fill miserable, then have to take an allergy medication if you don’t have to? If you are not satisfied with the conventional approach, would like to complement it or try a nonmedicated alternative, or you have perennial (year-round) allergies, it is possible to treat your allergy effectively, either airborne or food, without drugs and their potential toxic side effects.

To address one or all three common allergy contributors, get all of the details in Dr. Ivker’s Free Report Allergy-Free Zone: Treating Allergies, Free to Silver and Gold Members. Just click on your toolbox area to download the free report (or you can send a note to and we’ll send you an email with the attached report).

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