Allergy-Free Zone: Treating Allergies

Treating Allergies

Allergies play a significant role in contributing to the chronic sinusitis of at least half of the 40 million sinus sufferers. A genetic predisposition, a dysfunctional or hyperreactive immune system, airborne allergens (pollen, mold, animal dander, dust mites, chemical exposures, etc.) and emotional factors are the primary triggers for precipitating allergy symptoms. Along with the above factors, polluted, dry, and cold air can act as

Reduce Your Sinus Inflammation with Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Dr. Rob Ivker, author of best-selling Sinus Survival, recommends that there are two things that you can do to decrease the inflammatory causative factors in your body: 1). Decrease your intake of inflammatory foods: processed sugars and starches, refined/simple carbohydrates, dairy, alcohol, white flour, processed foods, chemical sugar sweeteners, table salt, MSG, caffeine, and red meat; and 2). Increase your intake of anti-inflammatory foods. Add

How Do You Get a Sinus Infection? The Top 7 Underlying Causes of Sinusitis.


by Dan Gay, CMO Sinus Survival You may be surprised to learn what’s causing your sinus headaches, sinus pressure, sinus congestion and post-nasal drip. If you learn what leads to a sinus infection, you can usually manage to never get one if you take the right preventions steps. The bones that make up the sinus cavities around the eyes, cheeks and nose are lined with

How a Breakfast Burrito Cured My Sinus Pain

How a Breakfast Burrito Cured My Sinuses

by Dan Gay, CMO Sinus Survival Want to learn some secrets for living without sinus pain, sinus congestion and frequent sinus infections? You’re going to be surprised to learn the common-sense approach which Sinus Survival followers have discovered. So what does a burrito have to do with my sinuses? Let me first share that I was told by doctors that I had the following conditions:

How do I know if I need sinus surgery?

Do I Need Sinus Surgery

I’ve had chronic sinusitis for many months (or years) and my doctor is recommending Sinus Surgery. Do you think it’s necessary? That is not a question that can be answered without knowing the background and condition of the patient. The most common answer is, No! Dr. Ivker would state to anyone that is being recommended to undergo sinus surgery to first speak with a certified

How Can I Avoid Sinus Surgery?

How Can I Avoid Sinus Surgery?

Why you should consider a natural solution first before undergoing sinus surgery. By Dan Gay, CMO Sinus Survival   You’re at the end of your rope. You’ve taken rounds of antibiotics, sprayed nasal steroids and tried almost everything. You’ve seen your doctor and now an ENT is recommending Sinus Surgery. You think I’ll do it, whatever it takes to just get rid of this pain

Should I Take Antibiotics for a Sinus Infection?

by Dan Gay, CFO Sinus Survival   As you know Sinus Infections or Sinusitis can be miserable, frustrating and down-right debilitating. You feel exhausted, the pain behind your cheeks and eyes is maddening, your vision is blurred, you cough and hack, you have nasty green or brown-green mucus (snot as my daughter calls it) draining down your throat. We’ve become accustomed to begging our physician