Allergy-Free Zone: Treating Allergies

Treating Allergies

Allergies play a significant role in contributing to the chronic sinusitis of at least half of the 40 million sinus sufferers. A genetic predisposition, a dysfunctional or hyperreactive immune system, airborne allergens (pollen, mold, animal dander, dust mites, chemical exposures, etc.) and emotional factors are the primary triggers for precipitating allergy symptoms. Along with the above factors, polluted, dry, and cold air can act as

Uncovering the Root Causes of Sinus Symptoms

Think of yourself as Sherlock Holmes. You’re beginning to unravel the mystery of why you’ve had this sinus condition, and identify the multiple factors that have contributed to your sinus pain and sinus suffering. With each step in this process your goal is to uncover additional factors that have been causing inflammation and sinus symptoms. Since everyone is unique, your challenge is to better understand

Reduce Your Sinus Inflammation with Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Dr. Rob Ivker, author of best-selling Sinus Survival, recommends that there are two things that you can do to decrease the inflammatory causative factors in your body: 1). Decrease your intake of inflammatory foods: processed sugars and starches, refined/simple carbohydrates, dairy, alcohol, white flour, processed foods, chemical sugar sweeteners, table salt, MSG, caffeine, and red meat; and 2). Increase your intake of anti-inflammatory foods. Add

Sinus Nirvana – Find a CURE for Chronic Sinusitis

Want to learn the key to finding sinus nirvana? Not Nirvana the rock band, but true freedom for your sinuses? Just take our hand and we’ll help you scale the Sinus Survival Pyramid to Success. Nirvana is a fitting name. In many religions the term is used to describe a profound peace of mind. In Shramana, the term was used to describe the state of

Sinus Surgery to Correct Chronic Sinusitis

In an NCR (National Public Radio) airing, Judy Foreman, who writes a health column for The Boston Globe, describes her experience in having sinus surgery to correct her chronic sinusitis NPR Story. Is Sinus Surgery Curative? The report described that Judy now has 3 or 4 sinus infections in a year versus 5 or more. “I get a cold and I freak out because I

How Do You Get a Sinus Infection? The Top 7 Underlying Causes of Sinusitis.


by Dan Gay, CMO Sinus Survival You may be surprised to learn what’s causing your sinus headaches, sinus pressure, sinus congestion and post-nasal drip. If you learn what leads to a sinus infection, you can usually manage to never get one if you take the right preventions steps. The bones that make up the sinus cavities around the eyes, cheeks and nose are lined with

Is the Gold Membership Different than Dr. Ivker’s Book?

Dr. Ivkers

by Dan Gay, CMO Sinus Survival This is in response to an email that we recently received: “My name is Shazid. I am a sinus sufferer. I have read Dr. Ivkers book and it did help me. But my sinus conditions have come back. I am curious to know how the Gold Membership is different from the content of the book?” Yes, the Gold Membership

How to Avoid a Sinus Infection When Traveling

How to Avoid a Sinus Infection When Traveling

It’s a common occurrence for people to come down with a cold and/or a sinus infection after they travel. Follow this routine to avoid becoming the next victim. Why are sinus infections so common following travel? 1). Unhealthy recirculated cabin air: breathing in other’s viruses and bacteria in a closed setting. 2). Dry cabin air, which dries the sinuses to create congestion. 3). Very low,

Get Relief for Dry Sinus Headache and Sinus Congestion

Get Relief for Dry Sinus Headache and Sinus Congestion

by Dan Gay, CMO Sinus Survival You’re tired of the sinus pressure. It’s as if you’ve hooked your nose up to an air pump. Your head feels like it’s ready to pop. You’re contemplating taking a sharp object to relieve the sinus pain behind your eyes. You just want to put an end to your suffering, HELP, and dynamite crossed your mind, but there’s a